Doug Melvin

It is our sad duty to inform the membership and wider rowing community that Doug Melvin, our former Club President has passed away. He died on Wednesday evening, 5th of May. Our thoughts and prayers are with Betty and the rest of the family.

The London Roar April 2021 Edition

Chairman's View by Simon Harris
LRC Sponsorship by Sutton Winson and Hackett by Colin Christie
Hammersmith Bridge Update by Ben Helm
The Times they are a Changing…. a bit by Miles Preston
LRC Middle Aged Middleweights Defeat GB by Basil Amin
Hammersmith Protest Event by Eddie Markes
Irregulars' Report by Eddie Markes
LRC Commercial/Events Sub-Committee by Andrew Boyle
Rowing at LRC from 1962/67 – Epilogue (Part 6) by Colin Smith
In Memoriam – Jeremy W Fraser, David H King and Colin F Porter by Julian Ebsworth
Arrivederci Venezia….per il momento by Miles Preston

Read April’s London Roar