President, Mike Baldwin | Email Mike
Vice-President, Ben Helm | Email Ben
Vice-President, Sophie Hosking
Vice-President, Richard Philips
Vice-President, Mike Williams
General Committee Members
Chairman, Bill Baker | Email Bill
Hon. Secretary, Andrew Boyle | Email Andrew
Hon. Treasurer, Philip Carré | Email Philip
LRC Captain, Rob Porter | Email Rob
Hon. House Steward (Property), Tim Leppard | Email Tim
Membership Director, Mike Shasha | Email Mike
Welfare Officers
Amy Johnson and Flora Emeney | Email Welfare
Safety Officer
Rui Xu | Email Rui
Sub-Committee Chairs
Finance & Administration, Lynton Richmond
Membership, Basil Amin
Property, Tim Leppard | Email Tim
Rowing, Paul Reedy
Governance Documents
A full list of all Club Management members can be viewed here.
Club Rules
A copy of the London Rowing Club Rules can be viewed here.
Club Bye-Laws
A copy of the London Rowing Club Bye-Laws can be viewed here.
Articles of Association
A copy of the Articles of Association of London Rowing Club Limited can be viewed here.
Privacy Statement
A copy of the London Rowing Club Privacy Statement can be viewed here.