A busy first week of the season…
Tim Grant elected Captain of LRC for 2017-18
About 65 members attended the Annual General Meeting of London Rowing Club which took place on Wednesday 26 July 2017. Club President Mike Baldwin chaired the meeting. Tim Grant was elected Club Captain for the coming year.
The following Officers and Committee were elected:
President: Mike Baldwin
Vice Presidents: Mike Williams, Ben Helm
Captain: Tim Grant
Chairman: Robert Downie
Hon. Secretary: Jeremy Hudson
Asst. Hon. Secretary: Christopher Grainger
Hon. Treasurer: Jason Gray
Hon. House Steward (Functions): Jason Lalande Danciger
Hon. House Steward (Building): Josh McInerney
Committee members: Kathleen Curran, Jana Downie, Ciaran Hayes, Josh Meredith, Luis Orozco, Richard Philips, Miles Preston, Bob Silver